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Working hours & Remote work ⏰

Our working hours are Monday to Friday, from 9am to 12pm and from 1pm to 5pm.

For more flexibility for non-managerial employees, excluding trainees and co-op students, an amplitude of +/- 1 hour on these schedules is authorized.

Autonomous employees (managers and supervisors) can benefit from an arrangement of working time in a day package (218 worked days per year).

Remote working is possible for OKP4 autonomous employees (managers and supervisors). Remote work can be done from the employee's home or from any other location.

⚠️ How it works:

  • Manager and colleagues should be informed through our HR tool.
  • Remote work is only possible for a full day (no half days).
  • Unless exceptional measures are taken (full remote job for instance), the period of remote working may not exceed 3 consecutive days per week.
  • The determination of the time slots during which the employer can usually contact the remote working employee corresponds to the working hours of the company
  • Co-op students and trainees are not concerned by remote work except in exceptional cases.