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Agility at OKP4

Why agility?

  • Faster time to market: Agile development emphasizes on delivering working software in short iterations, which means that new features and functionality can be delivered to customers faster. This is especially important for startups or businesses operating in fast-paced markets, where being first to market can give a significant advantage.
  • Increased productivity: Agile development provides a framework for planning, tracking, and delivering work, which helps to increase the productivity of the team. This is achieved by breaking work down into small, manageable chunks, and by providing a clear, visual representation of the team's progress.
  • Improved quality of software: Agile development emphasizes on testing, validating, and delivering working software, which helps to improve the quality of the software. This is achieved by involving customers in the development process, and by encouraging the team to work together and share knowledge.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Agile development encourages customer involvement in the development process, which helps to ensure that the software being developed meets their needs and expectations. This is achieved by involving customers in the development process, and by providing them with frequent opportunities to provide feedback.
  • Improved team morale and motivation: Agile development encourages collaboration, and the team's participation in the planning, tracking, and delivery of work, which helps to improve team morale and motivation. This is achieved by involving the team in the development process, and by providing them with frequent opportunities to provide feedback and make suggestions for improvement.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile development is flexible and adaptive, which makes it easy to respond quickly to changes in the market or customer requirements. This is achieved by breaking work down into small, manageable chunks, and by providing a clear, visual representation of the team's progress, which makes it easy to make adjustments as needed. Additionally, Agile development encourages the team to continuously reflect on their processes and practices, and to make adjustments as needed to improve efficiency and effectiveness. This flexibility and adaptability allows teams to quickly respond to changes in the market or customer requirements, and to stay competitive in fast-paced industries.
  • Better communication and collaboration: Agile development emphasizes on daily stand-up meetings, regular retrospectives, and close collaboration between team members, customers and stakeholders. This helps to identify and resolve issues quickly, and to ensure that everyone is on the same page. The daily stand-up meetings and regular retrospectives also provide an opportunity for team members to discuss any obstacles or challenges they are facing, and to collaborate on solutions.
  • Better cost control: Agile development allows teams to deliver working software incrementally, which means that teams can begin delivering value to customers early on in the project. This helps to control costs, as teams can begin generating revenue early on in the project, and can adjust the project's scope as needed to stay within budget.

In summary, Agile development is important for businesses and teams because it helps them to deliver working software quickly, improve the quality of the software, increase the team's productivity, and improve customer satisfaction. Additionally, it allows teams to be more flexible and adaptable to changes in the market, and improve communication, collaboration, and cost control.

Agility at OKP4

Kanban implementation 🔁

Visualizing work, flow efficiency, pull system

Shared knowledge 👥

Projects and work open and visible to all the teams

Agile ceremonies 📅

Daily, weekly, review & retrospective meetings

Agile mindset 🧠

We have adaptive, collaborative & iterative approach