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Our rituals

πŸ“† Daily meeting

  • Tech team
  • Using and updating our Kanban board regularly
  • Keeping on track the WIP

πŸ“† Weekly meeting

  • Tech team and Product team
  • Presentation and discussion of the week’s priorities
  • Checking the ”to do” items

πŸ“† Review

  • Everyone (internal AND external)
  • Sharing and celebrating our progress

πŸ“† Retrospective

  • All teams
  • Improving our processes and way of working

πŸ“† Projects meeting

  • Project and Marketing & Com teams
  • Review of all the current and upcoming projects

πŸ“† Backlog refinement meeting

  • Weekly meeting between Product and Tech team
  • Product team presents new user stories to the Tech team
  • The tasks get refined according to the feedback

πŸ“† Planning poker meeting

  • Weekly meeting between Product and Tech team
  • For estimating the work effort for new user stories